“Breaking News: G20 Grants African Union Equal Membership Status to EU”

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While a pair of sources from India have conveyed to Reuters the imminent official confirmation of India’s inclusion in the African Union (AU) next year, Thursday’s report from Bloomberg News asserts that the G20 coalition of countries has reached a consensus on extending full-fledged, enduring membership to the African Union.

The 55-nation African Union, a continental organization, will be given a higher status than its current title of “Invited International Organization” as a result of this change.

However, according to two Indian sources who spoke to Reuters, AU membership will be formally granted in the next year when Brazil takes charge of the world’s largest economies group.

One source mentioned under conditions of anonymity regarding government regulations that there is no opposition within the G20 to this step.

In June, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote a letter to the leaders of G20 countries proposing the full, permanent membership of the African Union in the upcoming Delhi Summit. In an article published on Thursday in both Indian and international news outlets, Modi wrote, ‘We have seen not only significant participation of African countries in our presidency but also a strong push for the inclusion of the African Union into the G20 as a permanent member.’

Currently, the G20 includes 19 nations and the European Union. Its members represent almost 85% of global GDP, over 75% of global trade, and approximately two-thirds of the world’s population.

South Africa, a G20 member that has expressed support for AU entry, immediately declined to comment ahead of the Delhi Summit. Vincent Magwenya, the spokesperson for the South African President, stated, ‘We will not make any comments until an official announcement or after the summit.’

The South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson welcomed news reports suggesting the G20 agreement on adding the African bloc as a member alongside the European Union, saying, ‘The EU is also a member. We (South Africa) welcomed this move and supported it.’

The Bloomberg report mentioned that G20 leaders are expected to announce the decision during the Summit.

Several countries, including Germany, Brazil, South Africa, and Canada, have expressed support for African Union membership.”

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